Order Process

JET sells wholesale only, to pre-authorized resellers. You must have an account in order to place an order.

Orders placed online using the shopping cart are forwarded to JET as an order "request". The web site will email a confirmation of your request, however it is not a final order confirmation. You will receive an official confirming email shortly (within 24 hours). Please be sure to read the email and open the attached order confirmation, as it may have been necessary to adjust quantities, or inform you of product shortages.

By handling orders in this way we can provide a more customized service and get to know you and your needs better. When we email you we will confirm all items in terms of availability and quantities, shipping details, prices, and payment details. Should you have any specific requirements, you may enter them in the comments section of the checkout process. Of course, feel free to call us any time should you need additional information, or to set up specific account terms or requirements (including instructions to use your own shipping account)

PLEASE NOTE that we have a $100 minimum order value.

If you prefer to email your order, make sure to send it only to [email protected] so that it does not end up in a personal mailbox where it could be missed.